K9 Training Institute Review: Pros, Cons & More

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Considering signing up for the K9 Training Institute?

I recently purchased this dog training course to help train my dog, Oliver, and I was actually surprised!

Now that I’ve gone through the entire course I can finally give a thorough review for you.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn:

  • The pros and cons of the K9 Training Institute
  • Who it’s for (and who it’s NOT for)
  • What you should know BEFORE you get it
  • And much more

But before we get into the review, I’ve got two disclaimers for you.

The first disclaimer is that I’m biased.

One of the most common reasons people abandon their dogs is because they can’t manage their behavior.

This is often due to a lack of training or knowing how to handle certain scenarios.

These are usually the owner’s fault — not the dog’s fault.

So yes, I’m biased toward recommending a dog training course because it can prevent dogs from being abandoned.

Plus, I did a survey of 600 Golden Retriever parents and asked them about their training experience.

91.5% of people who’ve purchased an online dog training course said they found it helpful.

And more and more people are buying online dog training courses each year.

I ran a second survey and found that people who purchased an online dog training course increased by 30% from 2021 to 2022.

puppy dog training

So this is why I’m biased toward online dog training courses.

That being said, I’ll give you an honest review of what I liked and didn’t like about the K9 Training Institute.

(I don’t think this course is right for everyone, and I’ll explain why later.)

The second disclaimer is that this post includes affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you purchase the course through the link on this site, which comes at no cost to you.

Alright, now that we have the disclaimers out of the way, let’s get into the review!

What Is The K9 Training Institute?

The K9 Training Institute is a dog training course taught by Dr. Alexa Diaz and Eric Presnall.

The goal of the course is to help you teach your dog to be as calm and well-behaved as a service dog.

It’s a 10-week video course that has both lectures and real-life training demonstrations.

These are helpful so you can see exactly what you need to do and how your dog may react.

I’ll share more about the specifics of what you’ll learn in the course later down this page.

There are also weekly live calls so you can get answers to your questions about training your dog.

Who The K9 Training Institute Is For

The K9 Training Institute is for people who want to train their dogs to be calm and well-behaved.

It focuses on what really matters for dog owners — having a dog who walks on the leash nicely, doesn’t bark at the door or jump on people when they walk in, and comes to you when you call them.

But in addition to being a dog owner, it also takes a certain type of person to get the most out of this online training course.

Do you care enough to work with your dog and take initiative in their training?

Do you want what’s best for your dog and your relationship with them in the long term?

Are you willing to put in the necessary time to give your dog their best life?

If you answered yes to these questions, then the K9 Training Institute is probably the right fit for you.

P.S. Check out their free workshop to see how to train your dog

Who The K9 Training Institute Is NOT For

I enjoyed the K9 Training Institute, but it’s not for everyone.

Here are three types of people this course isn’t for:

The first type of person this course is not for is the person that just wants someone to train their dog for them, like a boarding school would.

If you’re not willing to put in the time and effort, then this isn’t the right choice for you.

The second type of person this isn’t for is the person who thinks you need to dominate your dog and force them to obey you.

That’s not what this course is about.

This course is about building a good relationship with your dog and teaching them to want to obey you.

And the third person this course is not for is the person whose dog has serious, severe behavior issues, like aggression or full-on separation anxiety.

If this is your dog, you might want to consider hiring a local professional who can see your dog in person.

Pros of The K9 Training Institute

Here are some of my favorite parts of the K9 Training Institute:


This course has two types of videos: lectures and real-life training videos.

The lectures were great because you get to learn how to train your dog and why this works.

And the real-life training videos are cool because you get to see what the training actually looks like and how your dog is supposed to respond.

This was helpful for me because in one of the lectures I had a question about hand positioning for a training tip, but that was answered in the training video.

And if you’d rather read than watch a video, you can download a transcription of the videos to read.


15-year-old me would be appalled that I’m listing homework as a pro, but it’s actually very helpful.

It’s a great way to summarize what was taught in the lecture and gives you a step-by-step plan for practicing it.

While I was watching the first lecture, I was thinking about how to implement what I was learning, but when I clicked on the homework, I saw that a plan was already laid out for me.

Bonus Videos

In addition to the training videos teaching you how to train your dog to be calm and well-behaved, there’s also a bonus section.

These videos cover specific problems you might have as a dog owner, like potty training, nipping, and having kids and dogs interact nicely together.

Weekly Calls

You can watch the videos at your own pace, but if you have any questions, you can join the weekly calls and ask a trainer.

You can also email your questions to the K9 Training Institute and they’ll answer them.

Plus, if you’re looking for more information, you can watch recorded videos of past calls, and there are literally hundreds of them.

P.S. Check out their free workshop to see how to train your dog

puppy in training

Cons of The K9 Training Institute

There’s a lot to like about the K9 Training Institute, but there are also a few things to know before you get it.

It’s Long

This is a pro and a con.

There’s a lot of content in this course, which is helpful, but it’s also easy to get overwhelmed.

The good news, though, is that it is very thorough.

Dr. Diaz takes you step-by-step through training your dog.

It feels like a lot of information, but she’s breaking things down into baby steps so that you actually learn how to train your dog to be well-behaved in a variety of situations, not just at home without any distractions.

It’s Designed To Be Watched Week-By-Week

I don’t know about you, but I like to binge-watch courses when I get them.

The way this course is set up, the lectures are released a week at a time.

This is good because it encourages you to actually practice what you’ve learned before you move on, but for impatient people like me, it’s slightly frustrating.

That being said, you can ask them to unlock all the weeks for you.

I emailed them when I signed up, and they responded and unlocked them in less than an hour.

Does The K9 Training Institute Work?

Yes! I’ve personally used many of the tips and tricks from the course to help my dog become much better behaved.

One thing that really helped me was the section about calmly greeting people at the door.

As a big Golden Retriever, my friends and family weren’t exactly thrilled to have him jump on them when they came over, but he’s much better now.

The training Dr. Alexa Diaz will show you has worked for her for over 20 years, and there are dozens of happy customers from this course.

What Will I Learn In The K9 Training Institute?

Here’s a sneak preview of what you’ll learn to teach your dog in the K9 Training Institute:

  • How to listen to you inside the house with no distractions, AND outside with lots of distractions
  • How to walk calmly on the leash without pulling (and without you punishing them for pulling)
  • How to greet people calmly at the door without jumping on them
  • How to come to you when called (this is one of the most important commands every dog needs to know)
  • Commands like sit, down and stay
  • How to be calm (this is great for people with energetic dogs)
  • How to not bark at other dogs or at the door when the mailman comes
  • And much more

Who Teaches The K9 Training Institute?

The K9 Training Institute is taught by Dr. Alexa Diaz and Eric Presnall.

Dr. Diaz teaches the lectures, and then Eric shows the lectures in action by training a cute dog, Luigi.

Who Is Dr. Alexa Diaz?

Dr. Alexa Diaz is a dog trainer with over 20 years of experience training service dogs and therapy dogs.

She has trained dogs for those with physical and mental disabilities and even has a Ph.D. in animal behavior.

And maybe my favorite thing she’s done is work with prison inmates to help them train rescue dogs to become emotional support dogs for war veterans suffering from PTSD.

Dr. Diaz is the main trainer at the K9 Training Institute, but you’ll also hear a lot from Eric and watch videos of him training dogs.

dog in training

Will The K9 Training Institute Work For My Dog?

The K9 Training Institute can work for every breed of dog.

This is because it uses behavior and psychology to train them, and all dogs have very similar psychology.

You’ll learn different strategies to get your dog to want to listen to you, instead of trying to make them listen them to you.

This will help your dog learn how to behave well for the long term and build a stronger bond between you two.

How Do I Sign Up For The K9 Training Institute?

You can sign up for the K9 Training Institute here.

They have a video giving you a preview of what you’ll learn in the class and who’s teaching it, then you’ll get the opportunity to sign up.

The K9 Training Institute FAQ

Q: How long do I have access to the training videos?

A: You’ll get lifetime access to the training videos when you get this course.

Q: What if I have a question about the training?

A: If you have a question, you can reach out to them or join the weekly live calls and get your question answered.

Q: How do I access the K9 Training Institute courses?

There’s an online portal on their website that’s easy to navigate.

The course videos are laid out in a way that makes it easy for you to see which videos you’ve watched and which ones are coming up.

Q: Is the K9 Training Institute worth it?

A: Yes! If you put what you learn in this course to work, then you’ll be able to enjoy your dog much more than if they were anxious and rowdy.

You’ll be able to take them out in public and walk them without fear of being pulled down and dragged down the street.

Where To Get The K9 Training Institute

You can get the K9 Training Institute here.

They have a video giving you a preview of what you’ll learn in the class and who’s teaching it, then you’ll get the opportunity to sign up.

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